Manufacture of Machinery and Equipment
In Finland, the manufacture of machinery and equipment is mainly focused around mechanical engineering and the electronics industry. Consumer products are produced in relatively small numbers, while a majority of machinery and equipment are designed for industrial use. Internationally renowned products include pulp and paper machines, power-plant boilers, lifts, and forest machines. Finland is recognised as a pioneer in environmental and high technology, which boosts the export of machinery and equipment in the environmental field. Industries relying on environmental knowledge are expected to become a fast-growing sector.
We serve machinery and equipment manufacturers with customer-specific components and materials
- Filters for gas measurement equipment and analysators
- Metallic suction filters
- Heat resistant insulation for catalytic converters and exhaust gas systems
- Protective bellows for actuators
- Solutions for challenging machinery and equipment sealing
Many of our products are used as part of a larger system
- Expansion joints for flue gas lines
- Vibrating separators for paper mill coating kitchens
- Fluidization panels for powder handling systems
We work in collaboration with our suppliers to develop and customise components and equipment that meet the needs of machinery and equipment manufacturers.